Want to Add a Custom Div with Product ID in Wix Store Using Wix Site Plugin?
Image by Yefim - hkhazo.biz.id

Want to Add a Custom Div with Product ID in Wix Store Using Wix Site Plugin?

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Are you tired of the limitations of Wix’s built-in features and want to add a custom div with a product ID in your Wix store? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of achieving this using the Wix site plugin.

Why Do You Need a Custom Div with Product ID?

Having a custom div with a product ID can be incredibly powerful for your Wix store. With this feature, you can:

  • Display product-specific information, such as pricing, inventory, or reviews, in a custom layout
  • Create a more personalized shopping experience for your customers
  • Enhance your store’s design and user interface
  • Improve conversion rates and sales

Getting Started with Wix Site Plugin

Before we dive into the instructions, make sure you have the Wix site plugin installed and activated on your Wix site. If you haven’t done so, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Wix account and go to the Wix App Market
  2. Search for “Wix Site” and click on the plugin
  3. Click “Add to Site” and follow the prompts to install and activate the plugin

Step 1: Create a New Wix Site Plugin Item

In your Wix site dashboard, go to the Wix Site plugin section and click on “Add New Item”. This will open the plugin’s settings page.

In the settings page, fill in the following details:

Field Description
Item Name Enter a name for your plugin item, e.g. “Custom Div with Product ID”
Item Type Select “Code” from the dropdown menu
Code We’ll fill this in later

Step 2: Add the Custom Div Code

In the code field, add the following JavaScript code:

import wixData from 'wix-data';

$w.onReady(() => {
  const productId = wixData.getCursor().getCurrentItem().id;
  const customDiv = document.createElement('div');
  customDiv.innerHTML = `<p>Product ID: ${productId}</p>`;

Replace `your-container-id` with the ID of the container element where you want to add the custom div.

Step 3: Add the Product ID Code

Now, we need to add the code that retrieves the product ID and injects it into the custom div. Add the following code below the previous code:

import wixData from 'wix-data';

const productId = wixData.getCursor().getCurrentItem().id;
const productData = wixData.getProduct(productId);

productData.then((product) => {
  const customDiv = document.querySelector('#your-container-id > div');
  customDiv.innerHTML = `<p>Product ID: ${product._id}</p>`;

Again, replace `your-container-id` with the ID of the container element where you want to add the custom div.

Step 4: Save and Publish Your Changes

Save your plugin item and publish your changes. Make sure to test your custom div on different product pages to ensure it’s working correctly.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues, check the following:

  • Make sure you’ve replaced `your-container-id` with the correct ID
  • Check that the Wix site plugin is installed and activated
  • Verify that the code is correct and there are no syntax errors
  • Test the custom div on different product pages and devices


With these steps, you should now have a custom div with a product ID in your Wix store using the Wix site plugin. This opens up endless possibilities for customizing your store’s design and user experience.

Remember to experiment with different code and designs to achieve the desired outcome for your store. Happy coding!

Still stuck? Feel free to ask in the comments section below, and we’ll do our best to help you out.

What’s Next?

Want to take your Wix store to the next level? Check out our other tutorials and guides on:

  • Adding custom JavaScript code to your Wix site
  • Creating a custom checkout process in Wix
  • Optimizing your Wix site for SEO

Stay tuned for more Wix tutorials and tips!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Want to add custom div with product id in wix store, using wix site plugin” in English language:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about adding custom div with product id in Wix store using Wix site plugin!

How do I add a custom div with a product ID in Wix store?

To add a custom div with a product ID in Wix store, you’ll need to use Wix Code and create a custom element. First, go to your Wix Editor and click on ‘Add’ > ‘More’ > ‘Custom Element’. Then, add a div element and give it an ID. Next, use Wix Code to target the div and add the product ID using the `wix Stores` API.

What is the best way to get the product ID in Wix store?

The best way to get the product ID in Wix store is by using the `wixStores` API. You can use the `wixStores.getProduct()` function to retrieve the product ID. For example, `let productId = wixStores.getProduct().id;` This will give you the ID of the current product.

Can I add a custom div with a product ID to a Wix store page?

Yes, you can add a custom div with a product ID to a Wix store page. To do this, go to the Wix Editor and select the page where you want to add the div. Then, add a custom element using Wix Code, and use the `wixStores` API to get the product ID. Finally, use CSS to style the div and make it visible on the page.

How do I display the custom div with a product ID on a Wix store page?

To display the custom div with a product ID on a Wix store page, you’ll need to use CSS to style the div. Use the `display` property to set the div to `block` or `inline-block`, and adjust the `position` property to place the div where you want it on the page. You can also use other CSS properties like `background-color`, `border`, and `padding` to customize the appearance of the div.

Can I use a Wix site plugin to add a custom div with a product ID?

Yes, you can use a Wix site plugin to add a custom div with a product ID. There are several plugins available that allow you to customize your Wix store, including adding custom elements like divs with product IDs. Simply install the plugin, configure it to add the custom div, and use the `wixStores` API to get the product ID.