Is there anyway to configure request level timeout for JAX-RS WebClient?
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Is there anyway to configure request level timeout for JAX-RS WebClient?

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Are you tired of dealing with timeouts in your JAX-RS WebClient application? Do you wish you could configure request-level timeouts to improve the performance and reliability of your system? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to explore the answer to this question and provide a comprehensive guide on how to do it.

What is JAX-RS WebClient?

Before we dive into the meat of the article, let’s quickly cover what JAX-RS WebClient is. JAX-RS (Java API for RESTful Web Services) is a Java-based API for building RESTful web services. WebClient is a part of the JAX-RS 2.0 API, which provides a fluent API for building HTTP clients. It’s a powerful tool for building robust and scalable web services.

The Problem with Timeouts

Timeouts can be a major issue in web services, especially when dealing with remote systems or slow networks. If a request takes too long to complete, it can lead to resource waste, slow performance, and even application crashes. That’s why it’s essential to configure timeouts to ensure that requests don’t take too long to complete.

Configuring Request-Level Timeouts

So, is there anyway to configure request-level timeouts for JAX-RS WebClient? The answer is yes, and it’s actually quite straightforward. There are two ways to configure timeouts: globally and per-request.

Globally Configuring Timeouts

To configure timeouts globally, you can use the `WebClient.Builder` class and set the timeout using the `connectTimeout` and `readTimeout` methods.

        .connectTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) // 10 seconds
        .readTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30)) // 30 seconds

In this example, we’re setting the connect timeout to 10 seconds and the read timeout to 30 seconds. This means that if the connection takes more than 10 seconds to establish or the response takes more than 30 seconds to read, the request will timeout.

Per-Request Timeouts

But what if you want to configure timeouts on a per-request basis? This is where things get a bit more interesting. You can use the `Invocation.Builder` class to set timeouts for individual requests.

WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()

Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder ="")
        .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); // 5 seconds

Response response = invocationBuilder.get();

In this example, we’re setting the timeout to 5 seconds for a specific request. If the request takes more than 5 seconds to complete, it will timeout.

Adding Timeouts to Async Requests

What about async requests? Can we add timeouts to those as well? The answer is yes, and it’s actually quite similar to the synchronous requests.

WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()

AsyncInvoker asyncInvoker ="")
        .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); // 5 seconds


In this example, we’re setting the timeout to 5 seconds for an async request. If the request takes more than 5 seconds to complete, it will timeout.

Using Jersey Client

JAX-RS WebClient is not the only way to build HTTP clients in Java. Another popular option is the Jersey Client, which is part of the Jersey RESTful Web Services framework.

The Jersey Client provides a similar API to JAX-RS WebClient, but with some additional features. One of the features is the ability to configure timeouts using the `org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties` class.

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();, 10000); // 10 seconds, 30000); // 30 seconds

In this example, we’re setting the connect timeout to 10 seconds and the read timeout to 30 seconds using the Jersey Client.

Best Practices

Configuring timeouts is not just about setting a value and hoping for the best. There are some best practices to keep in mind to ensure that your timeouts are effective:

  • Set timeouts based on the expected response time: If you know that a request should take no more than 5 seconds to complete, set the timeout to 5 seconds. This ensures that slow requests don’t block your system.
  • Use a timeout value that makes sense for your system: If your system is designed to handle slow requests, you may want to set a longer timeout value. However, if your system is sensitive to slow requests, you may want to set a shorter timeout value.
  • Monitor and adjust timeouts as needed: Keep an eye on your system’s performance and adjust the timeouts as needed. If you notice that requests are timing out too frequently, you may want to increase the timeout value.
  • Use timeouts in conjunction with retries: Consider using retries in conjunction with timeouts to ensure that failed requests are retried before timing out.


In conclusion, configuring request-level timeouts for JAX-RS WebClient is a straightforward process. By using the `WebClient.Builder` class and the `Invocation.Builder` class, you can set timeouts for your requests. Additionally, you can use the Jersey Client to configure timeouts using the `org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties` class. Remember to follow best practices when configuring timeouts to ensure that your system is robust and scalable.

So, the next time you’re dealing with timeouts in your JAX-RS WebClient application, remember that you have the power to configure them to your heart’s content. Happy coding!

Method Description
connectTimeout(Duration) Sets the connect timeout for the WebClient
readTimeout(Duration) Sets the read timeout for the WebClient
timeout(Duration) Sets the timeout for an individual request

Remember to check the official documentation for JAX-RS and Jersey Client for more information on configuring timeouts.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to tackle the age-old conundrum of configuring request-level timeouts for JAX-RS WebClient!

Q1: Can I set a global timeout for all requests using JAX-RS WebClient?

Yes, you can set a global timeout using the `ClientBuilder` class. For example, `ClientBuilder.newClient().timeout(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)` sets a 3-second timeout for all requests.

Q2: How can I set a request-level timeout using JAX-RS WebClient?

You can set a request-level timeout by using the `Invocation.Builder` class. For example, `Invocation.Builder request =; request.timeout(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);` sets a 2-second timeout for the specific request.

Q3: Can I set both global and request-level timeouts using JAX-RS WebClient?

Yes, you can set both global and request-level timeouts. The request-level timeout will override the global timeout for that specific request. For example, `ClientBuilder.newClient().timeout(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)` sets a global 3-second timeout, and `request.timeout(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)` sets a 2-second timeout for the specific request.

Q4: What happens if I don’t set a timeout using JAX-RS WebClient?

If you don’t set a timeout, the default timeout value will be used, which is usually infinite. This means that the request will wait indefinitely for a response, which may lead to performance issues or system hangs.

Q5: Can I set a timeout for asynchronous requests using JAX-RS WebClient?

Yes, you can set a timeout for asynchronous requests using the `AsyncInvocationBuilder` class. For example, `AsyncInvocationBuilder request =; request.timeout(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);` sets a 2-second timeout for the asynchronous request.

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