Error Code 429 from TruecallerJS: What It Means and How to Fix It
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Error Code 429 from TruecallerJS: What It Means and How to Fix It

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve encountered the frustrating error code 429 from TruecallerJS while trying to search for a phone number. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what this error code means, why it happens, and most importantly, how to fix it.

What is Error Code 429 from TruecallerJS?

TruecallerJS is a popular JavaScript library used for phone number lookup and validation. When you integrate TruecallerJS into your website or application, it allows users to search for phone numbers and retrieve information about the owner. However, sometimes you might encounter an error code 429, which can bring your search functionality to a halt.

The error code 429 is an HTTP status code that indicates “Too Many Requests.” It means that TruecallerJS has detected an excessive number of requests from your application or IP address within a short period. This is a security measure to prevent abuse and ensure the service remains available for all users.

Why Do I Get Error Code 429 from TruecallerJS?

There are several reasons why you might encounter error code 429 from TruecallerJS:

  • Excessive requests**: If your application sends too many requests to TruecallerJS within a short period, you’ll likely receive an error code 429. This can happen when you’re testing your application or when it’s being used by a large number of users.
  • IP address block**: If TruecallerJS detects suspicious activity from your IP address, it might block your requests and return an error code 429. This can occur if you’re using a shared hosting or a VPN.
  • API key issues**: If your API key is invalid, revoked, or has reached its request limit, you might encounter an error code 429.
  • Server-side issues**: In rare cases, TruecallerJS might experience server-side issues that cause error code 429.

How to Fix Error Code 429 from TruecallerJS

Don’t worry, fixing error code 429 from TruecallerJS is easier than you think! Here are some step-by-step solutions to get you back on track:

Solution 1: Rate Limiting

TruecallerJS has a rate limit on the number of requests you can make within a certain time frame. To avoid hitting this limit, implement rate limiting in your application:

const requestInterval = 1000; // 1 second
let lastRequestTime = 0;

function searchPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) {
  const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
  if (currentTime - lastRequestTime < requestInterval) {
    console.log("Rate limit exceeded. Waiting for 1 second...");
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, requestInterval);
  } else {
    // Make the TruecallerJS API request
    lastRequestTime = currentTime;

Solution 2: API Key Validation

Ensure your API key is valid and hasn’t reached its request limit:

Contact TruecallerJS support to verify your API key and request limits. If your API key is invalid, request a new one or renew your subscription.

Solution 3: IP Address Change

If you’re using a shared hosting or VPN, try changing your IP address:

Contact your hosting provider or VPN service to request a new IP address. This might resolve the issue, especially if TruecallerJS has blocked your previous IP address.

Solution 4: Server-Side Cache

Implement server-side caching to reduce the number of requests to TruecallerJS:

const cache = require("node-cache");

const cacheTTL = 3600; // 1 hour

async function searchPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) {
  const cachedResponse = cache.get(phoneNumber);
  if (cachedResponse) {
    return cachedResponse;

  // Make the TruecallerJS API request
  const response = await axios.get(`${phoneNumber}`);

  cache.set(phoneNumber,, cacheTTL);


Solution 5: Contact TruecallerJS Support

If none of the above solutions work, reach out to TruecallerJS support:

Submit a ticket to TruecallerJS support, providing detailed information about the error code 429, your API key, and the steps you’ve taken to resolve the issue.

Prevention is the Best Cure

To avoid error code 429 from TruecallerJS in the future, follow these best practices:

  1. Implement rate limiting**: Ensure your application respects the TruecallerJS rate limit and doesn’t send excessive requests within a short period.
  2. Use a valid API key**: Verify your API key regularly and ensure it hasn’t reached its request limit.
  3. Monitor your request logs**: Keep an eye on your request logs to detect any unusual patterns that might trigger error code 429.
  4. Optimize your application**: Ensure your application is optimized for performance and doesn’t send unnecessary requests to TruecallerJS.


Error code 429 from TruecallerJS can be frustrating, but it’s a security measure to prevent abuse and ensure the service remains available for all users. By implementing rate limiting, validating your API key, changing your IP address, using server-side caching, and contacting TruecallerJS support, you can resolve the issue and get back to searching phone numbers in no time. Remember to follow best practices to prevent error code 429 from occurring in the future.

Error Code Description Solution
429 Too Many Requests Implement rate limiting, validate API key, change IP address, use server-side caching, and contact TruecallerJS support

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to handle error code 429 from TruecallerJS and provide a seamless search experience for your users.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Error code 429 from truecallerjs while doing a search with phone number”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on resolving the pesky error code 429 from truecallerjs while searching with phone numbers!

What does error code 429 from truecallerjs mean?

Error code 429 means you’ve exceeded the maximum number of requests allowed within a certain time frame. truecallerjs has rate-limited your search requests to prevent abuse.

Why did I get error code 429 from truecallerjs?

You might have been making too many search requests within a short span, triggering truecallerjs’ rate-limiter. This is usually the case when you’re scraping or making bulk requests.

How can I resolve error code 429 from truecallerjs?

Take a breather and wait for a bit! The rate limit will reset after a certain period. You can also consider implementing exponential backoff or caching to reduce the number of requests. If the issue persists, reach out to truecallerjs support for assistance.

How can I prevent error code 429 from truecallerjs in the future?

To avoid hitting the rate limit, space out your search requests, and consider implementing a queuing system or caching mechanism to reduce the load. You can also look into truecallerjs’ documentation for guidance on acceptable usage rates.

Is error code 429 from truecallerjs a security issue?

Nope! Error code 429 is simply a rate-limiting measure to prevent abuse. It’s not a security issue, and your data remains safe. truecallerjs is just ensuring their service remains robust and available for all users.

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